My dog is far-right

NIGEL FARAGE is a Nazi. This is undeniable now, and a quick scroll through your X feed will provide all the evidence you need. In the last six weeks, I have seen posts showing Mr Farage wearing a double-breasted blazer – similar to ones in photos of Hitler addressing large outdoor gatherings and wittering on about far-right stuff while raising his right arm slightly above the horizontal, or relaxing at home and petting his dog.

Hitler had a dog, you see, and Farage loves his pooch as well. Nuff said.

It is true, of course, that Nigel spent 30 years trying to extricate us from a centralised European superstate, supports the defence of national borders, doesn’t like the current war in Ukraine and believes crony capitalism to be a bad thing.

Despite these obvious dissimilarities, the ‘just like Hitler’ jibes continue untiringly.

Nevertheless, watching Reform literally goose stepping their way into

The rest of this article features in our July 2024 print issue, available to subscribers.


Far rioting


Donating blood in Shepherd’s Bush