A budget for calm seas delivered in the eye of a storm
Cartoon by Crid.
Jeremy Hunt's is a budget for calm seas delivered in the eye of a storm. We need radical reform rather than carry on regardless.
The mass immigration era starting in the mid 1990s grew the overall size of the economy, but saw standards of living for most citizens stagnate and fall. The economy may be bigger, but we are all poorer. We have transitioned from a circumstance where most of the baby boomer generation could afford a family home, to one where most young people today cannot.
An economy prospers when an average person with an average job is able to have a good life. While that was true of baby boomer Britain, it isn’t true of today's Britain.
The Government needs to focus on raising the standard of living rather than the size of the economy.
The millennial generation sees property ownership and having a family as unviable. If the Government can redirect focus and resources to make that viable again, both their and the nation's fortunes will turn around.