A sketch of the week

A brief look at the week gone by through cartoons by Crid.

This week, ‘liberty loving’ ‘Boris’ Johnson signalled that he would not prevent pubs from demanding that drinkers prove they have had a Covid vaccine before entering. I doubt that many landlords would enforce such a rule – they are desperate to open up fully for business. Encouragingly, the Prime Minister’s announcement has been met with derision from many publicans who have called the idea ‘bonkers’ and ‘un-British’. But the fact this has been suggested by the Government in the first place is an indication of how drunk it is on power.

Strains on the NHS, and the impact of the ‘stay at home’ message on people’s willingness to use it, have featured heavily in the news this week. Cancer Research UK’s GP adviser said that this message is behind a major fall in urgent lung cancer referrals. The record-high backlog of people waiting to receive treatment (4.6 million) should begin to reduce as NHS England lowers its national Covid alert level from four to three due to falling Covid hospitalisation rates. But how well will the service cope with the non-Covid health crisis it now faces?

NHS Repair.jpg

Fears have also arisen that an increase in Covid cases on the Continent could prevent Brits from holidaying abroad this summer. ‘Staycation’ holidays may be the answer!


See all of Crid’s cartoons here, and follow him on Twitter (@CridCartoons) to keep up with his latest work.

Michael Curzon

Michael Curzon is the Editor of Bournbrook Magazine. He is also Assistant Editor of The Conservative Woman.


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