Always winter, never Christmas: life in the bio-security state
The people of this country, whose ancestors gave their lives in the preservation of liberty, will be further moulded into the bio-security state.
As it has become clear to anyone with a pulse, internet access, and civil liberties to lose, our political leaders, like an undeveloped child’s brain bearing grudges and resentment over minor matters, is dead set on not letting this go.
The so-called Omicron variant, first detected in South Africa, spread rapidly and silently across a globalised world even two years into a pandemic, and has been the perfect early Christmas present for any bureaucrat, scientific ‘expert’, or politician who feared that they were running out of excuses.
As with all previous strains and seasons, the response of Britain’s political establishment is to turn the course of nature into a false flag attack. Viruses do mutate, and like a predator hiding in the long grass of the Serengeti, the Government has been waiting to pounce; though the size of the lion’s meal, and lack of apparent physical danger to itself, isn’t enough to justify torching the plains.
Holding an emergency news briefing at 5pm on a Saturday, when many - including myself - were on the commute home from the football, sent the message that Boris the Bludgeoner would soon be tightening the screws.
Shortly after, news from South Africa was showing that the Omicron variant, while being more transmissible than its older siblings, has had to trade away much of its lethality points during its evolutionary transformation in order to survive. It was, as stated plainly by the country’s top medical professionals, ‘nothing to worry about’.
That did not matter; our political overlords had something on the plate which ‘could’ be described as ‘vaccine evasive’ (meaning ‘the destroyer of worlds’), and cause a ‘tidal wave’ of cases, which was one of the chess pieces thrown forward in Johnson’s ‘plea to the nation’. Our fate was sealed.
On the 14th December, only the most unreceptive of creatures could have been surprised at the eagerness with which the ‘rubber stamp Parliament’ approved the Government’s emergency ‘Plan B’ measures, which have been waiting to break free longer than Freddy Mercury.
In the space of a few hours, the vast majority of our elected representatives said that they were very happy to mask us, compel us to provide confidential medical documents just to go to a sports game, and coerce NHS staff into getting jabbed (I can’t wait for them to moan about staffing issues come spring).
This is life in the bio-security state, where, in words stolen from C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, ‘it is always winter, but never Christmas’. I must say, I’m not exactly overflowing with Christmas cheer myself. Having booked to sit in a large crowd for the World Darts Championship weeks before millions discovered we now use the Greek alphabet to brand emerging variants, the vote to approve Covid passports didn’t come at the best of timing.
Having to prove my identity on the NHS app so I have the ‘right’ to venture to places other than the backsticks of rural England was demoralising. ‘Make sure you position your face at just the right angle so you won’t be shut out of public life’; ‘make sure to renew your pass in a month, otherwise no panem et circenses for you’. I felt like a regime bot and will do so again when I flash the QR code to whatever bouncer or luminous goon is standing in the doorway.
Nevertheless, it has to be said, that black ink legal diktats are one thing, but self-enforcement is a whole different kettle of fish. While a business may be coerced into policing its customers, if it decides to do so on its own volition, then you realise there really is no escape.
When word reached me that the vaccine pass would only apply to stadiums with a capacity of over 10,000 I felt relieved, because my football team, the Amber Army of Cambridge United, plays in a ground just under that figure. When I was speaking with my uncle about what impact a potential vaccine mandate would have, he said that the ground would most likely reduce its capacity; cordon off that undeveloped corner of the stadium for numbers purposes.
But no. To my horror, the club has done the exact opposite. Even though it is not compelled by law to police its own fans to check whether they are ‘unclean’, it has elected to do so anyway. Starting from this Saturday’s fixture against the league’s leader Rotherham, stewards at the entrance will perform ‘random’ checks, and if any unfortunate soul fails to provide the required documents or QR code, they will be denied entry.
I read the word ‘random’ as ‘trial’; they are testing the waters to see whether this boat floats, and if it does, they will cast it out to sea, and check every fan at the entrance.
I don’t look forward to what 2022 will bring – I don’t need to. I know exactly what will happen, although at this moment I’m a little short on fine details and accurate dates. The people of this country, whose ancestors gave their lives in the preservation of liberty, will be further moulded into the bio-security state. The imploding hubris of Western Civilisation will devote its entire existence to wiping out mild respiratory infections in an explicitly dictatorial matriarchal manner by ‘keeping everyone safe’ – and that means relentlessly policing trivial matters which occur in everyday life. The Rubicon was crossed when the Government acquired its emergency powers, and it won’t give them up lightly.