Boris the PM versus Boris the columnist
This phoney government has no principles, and does not care about the implications of its actions (other than those relating to electoral success). We would be foolish to swallow its lies at the next election.’
As ridiculous new restrictions are being imposed upon the lives and liberty of Britons by our feckless Prime Minister, James Forsyth draws a noteworthy distinction between political rhetoric and action: ‘One can just imagine what Boris the Telegraph columnist would have made of Covid marshals or what his Spectator would have said about ministers urging the public to inform on neighbours who have more than five guests over.’
The very same PM blasted Anthony Blair for stuffing the House of Lords with his ‘cronies’, until he was able to do so himself, and even wrote that voters should ‘stop moaning about the damn burst’ of immigration, until he relied on patriots to get him into Number Ten.
This phoney government has no principles, and does not care about the implications of its actions (other than those relating to electoral success). We would be foolish to swallow its lies at the next election.