Climate: the next Covid

Now the rhetoric surrounding climate change is merging with Covid. That it is a disease to be eradicated at all costs – and the people are standing in the way. So, to prevent a scorched earth, the earth must be scorched.

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Remember that long, lost and forgotten time when forced vaccination was only a conspiracy theory? When those who believe the Government was out to coercively inject foreign chemicals into your anatomy were located only in the dark corners of the internet?

Likewise, we should not be so confident in dismissing the early warning signs that red meat will be taxed into oblivion, fine dining in the future will consist of chomping down on the heads of cockroaches or that there won't ever be a 'climate lockdown'. Who is brave enough to put money on any of the associated climate control conspiracy theories not coming true in the next five to ten years?

I shall barely go within several light years of talking about COP26 directly. The elbow bumping of the world's most politically connected and powerful all descending on Glasgow is just one still image in a long, drawn-out movie reel. The elite gathering in one of the globe's many concrete jungles as if they were moths to a flame has occurred numerous times in the past, such as in Paris in 2015, and Kyoto in 1997 – before I was even born. And it will occur many more times.

It is not a failure of the previous international agreements that Scotland's largest city had to close its roads and shut its hospitals; on the contrary, hosting COP26 was the goal, not the last resort. Whenever these chin-wagging conferences take place, the media put on a spectacle laced with messaging that the world will finally be saved, that the tide will turn on climate change and that the polar ice will not melt into the Arctic Ocean. Yet as these dinner parties happen again and again, some may even ask the question: are they acting as double-agents to incinerate the Earth?

With each of these filler scenes, the film trudges along to its finale: the complete social-credit style control of everyday life for the plebs, a holier than thou technocratic elite more than willing to shape society in its own image as if they were gods, and an autocratic political apparatus to enforce all of the above.

The pandemic has served as the perfect dress rehearsal. Pumping the populace to the brink of hysteria has permitted governments across the Western world to trial mesmerising new tools to micromanage its own citizens and bully them into submission if they don't yield to authority. Neil 'Professor Pantsdown' Ferguson, one of the architects of Britain's Covid response, shocked even himself when he discovered that a supposedly free and democratic nation could copy totalitarian China.

Emergency powers, such as the Coronavirus Act 2020, took full advantage of a secularised, distrustful, atomised and safe-space obsessed culture, promising to outlaw death and bow down to the most paranoid of hypochondriacs. Attaining the impossible goal of zero-Covid became the nucleus for all everyday activities (or lack of everyday activities, I should say). Covid was not treated as a natural disaster that would cause a noticeable but manageable loss of life; it was treated as the apocalypse, and anyone who didn't lock themselves in an air-tight room was killing their fellow man with every breath.

Disease served as the perfect foe, because it wasn't the droplets which escaped from either a Chinese market or a laboratory that were to be fought, it was its human hosts. The people became the enemy.

Now another existential threat is staring humanity down the barrel of a gun. Or a manufactured threat at that. The trump-card that ninety-seven per cent of serious scientists believe in disastrous man-made global warming was a rigged study produced by climate alarmists which has yet to be peer-reviewed and debunked (if the partisan world of academia will let happen). It zombies onwards only because it sells news headlines and allows politicians to both appeal to authority and, in pure Anthony Blair fashion, declare that there is no alternative.

It is also worth walking down the trodden path to point out that the elites who wave their fingers at a disobedient public are the most notorious CO2 emitters in history, who can probably combine their electricity usage to power Scotland for a year (if not more!). For COP26, the Japanese flew empty planes, both to the Edinburgh and Prestwick airports, to test which destination was the most convenient for the delegates.

As we have seen with Covid, those who make the rules and want the rules have no intention of actually following the rules, meaning that rules are just ink on paper, possessing no real legitimacy. For if climate change and Covid were truly catastrophes, wouldn't our saviours be a tad more careful in their personal duty when rescuing us all from impending doom?

Nevertheless, the nebulous task of net-zero will become the new Covid-zero, implanting itself as the new state religion. As contracting Covid was seen as a death sentence and spreading it akin to murder, so will not devoting your entire being to the net-zero goal – in both thought and deed – be considered blasphemous and socially punished.

The green tyranny is already beginning to wrap its tentacles around our throats. Financial giant Mastercard has announced, in its own words, "the world's first credit card with a carbon limit"; the production and sale of petrol cars will be phased out by the 2030s; British schoolchildren as young as five will be told that they are killing the planet (what wonders that will do for mental health).

So don't rely on the so-called 'Conservative' Party to come and save you. In a world of absolutes, 'Boris' takes the phrase 'happy wife, happy life' just a little too seriously, becoming more greener than a Brighton councillor. Don't forget it was also a Tory Government with an eighty-plus seat majority that brought in the most draconian restrictions in peace-time history and is chasing the dragon because it will never satiate its hunger for more power and thirst for additional excuses.

Extreme environmental politics, previously confined to the political extremes, now astroturf on behalf of the establishment. Extinction Rebellion are not grassroots revolutionaries, and it does not matter whether they turn public opinion against cataclysmic net-zero initiatives, for they are part and parcel of a broader elite movement, whether they know it or not. After learning that an Insulate Britain protester is married to the boss of Transport for London, I began to ponder whether the House of Habsburg wasn't as incestuous.

I could go on until the next ice age (which will happen regardless of how much CO2 humanity emits into the atmosphere) but I shall end on this rather worrying development. A doctor in Canada recently diagnosed his patient with 'climate change', arriving to the conclusion by assessing that the patient's breathing problems were caused by a heatwave combined with poor air quality. The patient was also seventy years-old.

Now the rhetoric surrounding climate change is merging with Covid. That it is a disease to be eradicated at all costs – and the people are standing in the way. So, to prevent a scorched earth, the earth must be scorched.


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