Conservatives should not defend Trump
If something in politics is indefensible, don’t defend it.
I have a maxim when it comes to politics; never defend the indefensible. Don’t make excuses for it, and don’t defend anything out of obligation; defend it because you believe in it.
Donald Trump is indefensible. He is corrupt and immoral, purposely and pointlessly offensive, and he seems to view the role of presidency not as a responsibility but as a trophy. He is – in case you’d like me to go on – spineless, and has no discernible vision or policy. Wanting to ‘keep out blank’ is not an excuse to ignore all this. That, quite simply, is selling your soul to win a game.
Politics itself counts for very little; it doesn’t matter what side is winning or losing or if my tribe did this or that. The focus should be on those representing us: are they competent, principled and incorruptible? Yet, currently all we get is a group of individuals bent on towing an ideological or party line, showing their lack of imagination and independence, as well as cowardice and Machiavellism.
And what of all this talk about ‘systems’? ‘This ‘system’ is better’, ‘change the ‘system’’, etc. etc.. The system is nothing without the people inside it, and changing the system won’t improve matters if those running it are such as we have today.
We need now, as we always need and will always need, people brave enough to stand alone and state what they think without being swayed by the forces around them.
Tony Benn called them ‘signposts’ and their opposites 'weather vanes’. We should never support someone because the wind is hitting their back, and the fact that we so often swallow our beliefs and defend the indefensible is a cause only of further dissolve.
Perhaps asking for bravery and selflessness from the human race is a futile thing to do, but you have to start somewhere.