If they introduce voter ID, don’t bother voting
The idea of voter ID is a dictatorial concept; it asks us to identify ourselves to the state when it is the state that should be identifying itself to us.
Cartoon by Crid.
The idea of voter ID is a dictatorial concept; it asks us to identify ourselves to the state when it is the state that should be identifying itself to us.
It does not surprise me, also, that this move comes at a time when we already have lost much of our freedom with almost no fight; it seems that when the Government senses weakness in the governed, it drives at them hard until it is forced to stop.
That is why when it rains it pours. We have given the current Government the confidence that they can get away with whatever it likes with no consequences; a disastrous situation for freedom.
Of course with such a feeble opposition, what can really be done to counter Tsar Boris and his court of sycophants? For once the Tory backbenchers don’t seem keen to engage in any regicide, much to my own displeasure, even though the current Government seems very much to want to keep its grip on the population intact. Therefore, we must deny them what gives them legitimacy; that is our votes.
I have, as everyone in this country does, the right to vote. But the right to vote is also the right to withhold a vote. It is easy then to extend that to withholding your vote to every party and doing so would strip the election of any legitimate authority. They need our votes, but we do not need them. If an election did end up having a turnout of less than 50 per cent then there would be no mandate to govern, and it would force the parties to re-examine themselves.
More importantly, refusing to vote is the most effective form of political protest available, and one not used nearly enough. If the Government wishes to attempt to police voting, then show them that they can never win. Don’t vote.