Labour Council allows school to teach homophobic hate
The juxtaposition of the stories about the behaviour of two Labour-led councils in West Yorkshire could not be more arresting.
Last week Bournbrook Magazine reported on the scandal emerging in Leeds, where the Labour-led City Council is using taxpayer money to explore whether the local ginger cake and Yorkshire tea are racist. The council intends to incorporate the findings of the investigation into the Key Stage 2 curriculum for primary schools in Leeds. The curriculum already contains Critical Race Theory-style indoctrination material, including material on gender bias and decolonisation. However, just last Wednesday, the online publication of the Huddersfield Daily Examiner revealed that inspectors from Ofsted (a department of the government that monitors schools) had found a book in a Dewsbury school library that called for homosexuals to be executed.
Ofsted was asked to investigate the Muslim faith-based school after receiving two complaints. A previous investigation, in February 2020, had resulted in Ofsted assigning its lowest rating (“Inadequate”) to the school, the Institute of Islamic Education, which charges £3,000 a year to its boarding school pupils and £1,400 a year to day pupils. It has 234 males attending, aged between eleven and twenty-five.
According to the Examiner, the offending book, called Islam on Homosexuality, was marked as an official school library book. It contains a passage which states that those who engage in homosexual relations “should be slained [sic] whether they are married or unmarried because in filth and mischief of [sic] this act surpasses adultery.” Ofsted made plain that the book’s presence was a breach of the Equality Act 2010 (as well as an affront to the English language, apparently).
The juxtaposition of the stories about the behaviour of two Labour-led councils in West Yorkshire could not be more arresting. In Leeds, Labour councillors are throwing away taxpayer money on trying to find links between Britain’s colonial past, racism and local foodstuffs in order to better indoctrinate seven to eleven year old schoolchildren about the awfulness of their culture. Meanwhile, just nine miles down the road in Dewsbury, the Labour-controlled Kirklees Council is letting a Muslim faith-based school teach its pupils that gays should be murdered for their ‘sinfulness’.
Keir Starmer apparently wants to expel 1,000 members of the Labour Party in a bid to make it respectable and electable again. However, it is difficult to see how such an action could be seen as anything other than an empty gesture when he allows Labour’s elected officials to get away with such toxic behaviour.