Line up for the “Based Draft”
As Mancur Olson discovered, the organised minority is always more effective than the unorganised majority, frequently managing to dominate (or rule) societies.
On 10th September, President Biden announced that all companies larger than 100 members of staff will have to implement an order to force vaccination of staff or test staff weekly for COVID-19. For those who reject vaccination, facing the alternative consisting of weekly intrusion, uncertainty and ritual humiliation of swabbing and testing leaves them no choice. This is what is called effective dismissal, because there really is no viable choice provided to the employee other than resignation.
A group of conservative and neo-reactionary commentators gathered online to discuss the prospect. At first sight, the law’s impact appears grim, with the prospect of many people losing jobs and homes or being forced to undergo an experimental medical procedure under duress. However, the commentators agreed that in the medium term this might help their cause and lead to a “based draft”. That is, an influx of “based” (conservative/Christian/sceptical/traditional) individuals into partnerships and small companies that would strengthen opposition to the state.
The Pareto principle states that eighty per cent of productive work is done by twenty per cent of the workforce (also that eighty per cent of the land is owned by twenty per cent of the population and other apparent distributions). In effect, ability, application and effort are unequally distributed in the population. Biden’s mandate is a system for selecting Pareto’s productive elite and removing it from large companies and state agencies. It amounts to a purge of the most capable, independent and productive individuals of working age – and is probably a disastrous miscalculation for the authoritarian bio-security state.
Consider the impact of a law which separates the young, healthy, independent, brave, evidence-led, assertive young people from others and classes them as a distinct political group: the dissenters or dissidents. Imagine the attraction of joining that elite of productive, motivated individuals who are forced into a political alliance to survive. That dissident elite have a founding myth, known enemies (the state, large companies, the mass media and most social media companies) and constant social pressures to bond and work together. As Mancur Olson discovered, the organised minority is always more effective than the unorganised majority, frequently managing to dominate (or rule) societies.
Biden’s Based Draft could provide the practical impetus for formation of a dissident elite, which could ultimately be more productive, resourceful and formidable than a complacent, lazy and submissive population ruled by a vast bureaucracy crippled by woke rules, affirmative action and burdensome client groups.
Line up here to check out of mainstream society and enter a tight-knit group of hardworking dissidents.