Sir Patrick Vallance and the definition of irony
‘Looking over my Twitter feed the other day, I came across a line that I thought must have been a mock-up, so astounding was the irony.’
The dawn of photoshop has made the creation of spoofs a doddle. Looking over my Twitter feed the other day, I came across a line that I thought must have been a mock-up, so astounding was the irony. But no; it appears that Sir Patrick Vallance, the Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor, really did say the following:
‘It’s worth remembering Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity — doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. The lesson is every time you release it too quickly you get an upswing.’
This from the man who, along with his chums in SAGE, urged the Government to push the country into the first national lockdown, and the second national lockdown, and the third national lockdown — not to mention the de facto ‘lockdown’ ‘Tiered’ arrangements in-between.
Surely, that is the definition of insanity.