The show must go on: Netflix confronts its offended staff
It appears that the board of directors have concluded that appeasing the whims of a minority with a disproportionately loud megaphone is not a good business practice.
When censorship replaces commonality
If we were to take a more open, interested approach when viewing others' concerns, maybe we could wean ourselves away from extremism- away from mental totalitarianism- and rediscover our commonality.
Attack of the Algorithm: YouTube’s censorship of The Week in Review
At least in Communist countries, wrong thinkers have the right to a show trial.
Lockdown, crackdown and Chinatown — The Week in Review
The latest episode of our podcast, The Week in Review.
The trojan horse of “hate speech”
If anything, “hate speech” rules are designed to be altruistic in appearance, claiming to secure the well-being of the down-trodden and ‘systematically oppressed’. But this is only to roll the Trojan Horse right through the gates of modern universities.
How Chinese censorship fuelled a global pandemic
If only the Chinese Government was a little bit quicker on the draw in controlling the disease in December as it is now, the extreme measures currently undertaken by the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and elsewhere would not have even been considered.