The left are the ones waging a proactive culture war
We are conditioned to believe that the radical sweeping changes the left are making to our family structures, our institutions and our education system should be blindly accepted.
The show must go on: Netflix confronts its offended staff
It appears that the board of directors have concluded that appeasing the whims of a minority with a disproportionately loud megaphone is not a good business practice.
Whose Britishness?
On education, drugs, immigration, environmental alarmism, transgender issues, foreign aid, personal rights, privacy, free speech and – most of all – British culture, the Conservative Party has been firmly unconservative.
The death of the 'Social Justice Warrior’
The Culture War had died and was replaced with a Cultural Regime.
Pacificism at any price: the moral defects of cultural relativism
Cultural relativism is pacificism at any cost, or, in other words, submission.
University campuses: The real battlegrounds for conservatives
We need to be visible, unashamed of our beliefs, and willing to debate.