Why do our useless elites continue to appease the red dragon?
If you ever wonder whether the Government and big business has your best interest at heart, look at how it has sold your future to companies controlled by the heirs of Mao Zedong.
The Especially One-Sided Relationship
We should have learned that the Special Relationship was a fantasy in 1956.
We don’t have to like each other to be allies
The UK needs to follow the example of de Gaulle, give up the fantasy of a ‘special relationship’ and recognise that we are a separate nation with separate interests.
To intervene or not to intervene
Very few people, in fact, are against intervention in principle, otherwise they would criticise the interventions in Kosovo and Sierra Leone just as much as the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Splendid isolation is right for Britain
The only real answer if we want to preserve the United Kingdom is splendid isolation.