Farage versus Coutts
People will see this case as a proxy for their own imagined future humiliation at the hands of bureaucrats and feel a cathartic anger.
Immigration – the wave they have no intention of stopping
The United Kingdrom, to our politicans, is merely a geographical designation with an accompanying balance sheet.
On Post-Liberalism - Part II
What can be rescued and rebuilt from the past following the assault of double-barrelled liberalism?
It's not a conspiracy, it's human nature
Left unchecked, institutions will inevitably drift in the ideological direction of the most intransigent within them.
Why DCMS will not reform or abolish the Arts Council
It is a maintained paralysis that sustains the political system, which is why it cannot be exposed or disrupted.
The Cathedral: from harp to hammer
Every revolutionary knows that if they are to cement their power for generations to come, it is prudent to mould the minds of the youth as if they were clay.
Everything’s political, until it isn’t
As state, party politics, education, policing, public debate, mass media and social-media regulation all conform to what liberalist secular citizens unthinkingly accept, that stratum of society sees no politics in public life.