The rock and the hard place: Damned with the Tories and damned with Labour
Liberal democracy in the twenty-first century is indeed a choice. However, this choice is most unenviable.
Interest in trade unions and their politics is no more, and they only have themselves to blame
Until the grip of ideological working-class romanticism is cast off, the irrelevance of the unions will long remain.
You can try and fight the truth, but you won't win
Momentary political expediency, self-aggrandisement and the peddling of political falsehoods may work for now, but they will eventually wreck themselves upon the immutable rocks of reality.
The age of ‘Old Firm’ politics
This is no longer the old world of left and right but groups of people with entirely different value systems, languages, objectives, and lifestyles that foster a dogmatic distrust and fear of the other.
The decline of televised debates
Increasingly, as politics becomes more partisan, those that watch debates are more often than not those that already have their minds made up and want to watch to root for their favoured candidate.
The trojan horse of “hate speech”
If anything, “hate speech” rules are designed to be altruistic in appearance, claiming to secure the well-being of the down-trodden and ‘systematically oppressed’. But this is only to roll the Trojan Horse right through the gates of modern universities.