Opposing vaccination of children (an article from the SDP)
"For the state to ask a 12 year old to deliberate – without parental consent – on a matter as important as personal vaccination is totally unacceptable,” says William Clouston, Leader of the SDP.
Jabbing the young? It's a sign of a sick society
The young have been sacrificed throughout this entire Covid debacle.
Our leaders blame others to cover their own failings
Our political rulers hope that the current bluster about ‘anti-vaxxers’ will create a fog in which their inadequacies are hidden.
You'd have to be nuts to call me 'anti-vax'
As someone who has had all the classics jabs: polio, TB, MMR et cetera, I don't view myself as an 'anti-vaxxer'. Yet, according to the modern usage, I am.
Even the vaccinated aren’t safe from the consequences of vaccine passports
If your unvaccinated neighbour can be blacklisted from society then let me assure you that you can be as well.
Child vaccination: Who’s selfish now?
There is no reason to vaccinate most children and, given the potential side effects, many not to do so.
Domestic vaccine passports aren’t just discriminatory, they’re unnecessary too
If the Government has any sense, it will throw out this idea of domestic vaccine passports, which aren’t only discriminatory but unnecessary too.