The Government’s ‘Operation Terror’

Operation Fear, during and after the fallout of the E.U. referendum, was bad — but this is on another level entirely.

Walking past a bus stop on a deserted city road last night, I spotted an advertisement spanning across one side of the structure which read ‘bending the rules costs lives.’

You may have seen this exact image of a healthcare worker dressed top to bottom in full personal protective equipment, barely visible in the poster tinted dark orange, making it seem closer to a horror movie than a government awareness campaign.

Twinned with the equally ominous ‘Catch-ups cost lives’ poster, it is another gear on the Government’s vehicle to drive the population into a state of hysteria.

Operation Fear, during and after the fallout of the E.U. referendum, was bad — but this is on another level entirely.

Fortunately, I did not lose a sense of perspective when the advertisement glared back at me; no doubt there were worse diseases inhabiting the nearby local takeaways (one of which I was heading towards), and Coronavirus can easily turn into the least of your worries when you find yourself on an urban pavement in the dead of night.

Luke Perry

Luke Perry is Features Editor at Bournbrook Magazine.

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