The Mask Mandate Returneth?

To nobody’s surprise, this nation’s state religion, formally titled the National Health Service, has been under intense strain this winter.

The causes are numerous and coagulate into this boiling pot of life-threatening inefficiency. A growing population, propelled in part by mass immigration; a bloated bureaucracy that cares more about tick boxing diversity than patient care; and a staff shortage, because Dubai and Singapore pay our hardworking doctors what they deserve.

This dangerous combination has been present for a generation, though has now been bombarded with a seven-million-strong backlog due to the cancellation of routine treatment, coupled with corrupted immune systems from de-facto house arrest.

Meanwhile, the legacy media has been busy drumming up fears of a Tripledemic: a three-pronged assault on our nation from Covid, Flu, and Strep Throat/Scarlet Fever (or RSV). This arrival of natural winter viruses has been a drop of blood in the water for those who got drunk on power during the pandemic.

For example, Professor Susan Hopkins, the Chief Medical Adviser of the UKHSA, has ordered adults wear a mask when they go outside. Across the pond, our American cousins at The New York Times have also demanded that its readers don face coverings once again, with New Yorkers themselves also being asked to strap a mask to their mouths while indoors by the city’s Health Commissioner.

Will mask mandates make a full-blown comeback? Hard to determine at this point, but should they do so, we must all be aware that masks are a method of social control, not disease mitigation. If cigarette smoke can escape through this fickle layer of synthetic materials, so can an invisible, airborne virus.

No academic study has shown that masks prevent transmission. Every verified graph shows that the curve of infection is never deflated by imposed mask mandates (oftentimes, the hockey stick travels north).

Daily Sceptic Editor-in-Chief Toby Young told Bounrbrook:

“The evidence that masks stop transmission of Covid is threadbare, at best. Randomised control trials have shown they’re ineffective, as have natural experiments…

“Any policymaker or public official demanding a return to mask mandates cannot claim to be ‘following the Science’. Rather, they are just engaging in unscientific groupthink.”

[More in our January 2023 print issue.]

No matter what Reuters tries to drill into your head, masks are useless, and even dangerous, particularly for the crucial cognitive and social development of very young children, some whose first sight of life was of their masked mother in the delivery room.

So, for the sake of all of us, let’s hope that mask mandates remain in the dustbin of recent history.


Roger Scruton as I knew him


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