The PM’s restriction: ignoring the science
Besides Ferguson and the usual lockdown fanatics, most scientists have not called for urgent restrictions in response to the variant. Why? Because all early indicators are showing it is nothing to panic about.
Plan B has been announced, which, thankfully, does not impose restrictions on household meetings- something that would have a terrible impact on so many much needed Christmas gatherings after what has been a very tough year. But work from home orders, mask mandates, the usual state diktats, as well as vaccine passports are will all be enforced.
We first must ask why these measures are being put in place. Besides Ferguson and the usual lockdown fanatics, most scientists have not called for urgent restrictions in response to the South African Omicron variant. Why? Because all early indicators are showing it is nothing to panic about. Pfizer and other vaccine producers have stressed that their vaccines will work in preventing severe disease. The WHO too has declared that no deaths have yet occurred due to the variant, with hospitalisations in South Africa primarily deriving from those who caught it on the wards.
There is some non-peer reviewed data emerging that shows there may be some genetic swapping between the conronaviruses that we see every year causing common colds, and SARS-CoV-2. This could potentially neutralise Covid-19 as a severe threat, the exact opposite of what the Government is claiming by instilling panic over Omicron.
The PM is once again focusing on cases, which will skyrocket as this highly transmissible but seemingly less pathogenic variant outpaces Delta. Previously, the public supported restrictions because they saw the hospital admissions and the deaths and believed the word of mainstream scientific opinion. This time, however, the PM seems alone in wishing for such stringent measures despite the booster programme being successful on all counts. The reason for this is simple. The PM is attempting to run from the damaging stories of Christmas parties taking place at the height of the lockdown by hiding behind the veneer of public health concern.
While families were prevented, wrongly and unnecessarily in my view, from seeing loved ones as they passed away, ministers were partying it up. The ultimate hypocrisy has been revealed, and the public will not stick to restrictions that will be seen as political and not data led. The Grinch is trying to steal Christmas again, but this Grinch has no chance of redemption.