We should argue against lockdowns from a position of unity
Not only has their holistic cost not been fully measured but the overwhelming bulk of peer reviewed research says they have a marginal effect at best.
Editor’s note: Reader Peter Price offered the following, wise comment in response to Luke Perry’s recent article, ‘The unstoppable spread of Tier Four restrictions’:
One cannot bemoan 'lockdowns' whilst implicitly blaming their imposition on people crowding into shops or leaving 'plague pits' to see their families in the glorious countryside. Equally you can't hope pin all hopes of herd immunity on a vaccine when the best hope is and always has been on a sufficient level of acquired herd immunity.
Lockdowns are wrong. Pure and simple. Not only has their holistic cost not been fully measured but the overwhelming bulk of peer reviewed research says they have a marginal effect at best.
We should be arguing against 'Tiers' and Lockdowns from a position of unity, not trying to defend our own corner of this 'green and pleasant land' from the grimy city dwellers.