‘Your papers please’: How mandatory vaccination came to be
From three weeks to flatten the curve to ‘your papers, please’.
Let’s take a quick stroll down memory lane. When the policy of lockdown, representing the most draconian restrictions on public life ever implemented in peacetime, was first introduced in March 2020, the public were sold the idea on the pretext that this will be three weeks of flattening the curve and saving the NHS.
Only a month of policing sunbathers and drone spying on dog walkers was required to crush Covid before it could get off the ground. This was also the time when very little was known about the disease, in particular its lethality; the country remained relatively united, appearing outside the doorstep on Thursday evenings to applaud the NHS, then to tune into news reports recounting on the daily death toll as well as the Prime Minister’s daily briefing.
‘Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives’. No doubts were raised as the death toll continued to climb, and the Government’s and media’s ‘operation terror’, launched to ensure compliance with lockdown, sneaks into the public consciousness without detection.
Three weeks pass, and the Government declares that lockdown will continue as death and cases have not experienced a decline. Then the summer beckons, the daily Covid death count falls, and it was time for Whitehall to consider re-opening the nation, albeit partiality. Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s ‘Eat out to Help Out’ implicitly stated that ‘it’s time to get the country back on its feet’ and it seemed that the remaining restrictions would soon leave our lives.
Autumn is trapped in this state of ‘new normal’ freedom-with-strings-attached extravaganza, then in November the Government panics at an increase in cases and deaths, and, with a promise of saving Christmas, plunges the nation into its second full lockdown. The local tiered restrictions are quickly scrapped, a scenario which was to repeat in December when the harshest lockdown-in-all-but-name tier four restrictions, beginning in London and the Southeast, quickly became universal.
At the first-year anniversary of lockdown, the nation remained stuck in the same place, but the Government announced a three month long ‘roadmap’ leading all the way up to ‘Freedom Day’, scheduled for the 21st June. Outdoor hospitality was allowed to open on the 12th April, the indoors a month later on the 17th May, while the fabled ‘Freedom Day’ was eventually postponed due to fear of the Delta variant.
Freedom Day 2.0 arrived very recently, on the 19th July, or did it? Because on that same day, the Government announced that entering large, crowded venues, such as nightclubs, will require evidence of the attendee having received both doses of a Covid vaccine. Did anyone not see this coming? Barely a week before did Parliament, in the dead of night, vote to sweep in mandatory vaccination for care home workers.
Many – including myself – saw the writing on the wall many months ago. It has been apparent for some time that the Government has been engaging in a zero-covid carpet bombing strategy where everything - and anyone - is expendable. The muscle it wields to do so is the Coronavirus Act 2020, which essentially grants the executive emergency powers. It is an Enabling Act, allowing Whitehall to bypass the nation’s ancient checks and balances procedures, though Parliament itself has fashioned itself as a rubber stamp to Downing Street diktat.
The Coronavirus Act 2020 is not the sole source of this tyranny, but it’s certainly the star player; when the Government could and did decree that you could not see your own family, designate you as a ‘non-essential’ worker, and fine you £10,000 for holding a snowball fight (that actually happened!), it wasn’t going to end there. History shows that political bodies gifted emergency powers refuse to hand them back (or at least refused to hand all of the powers back), which is why the pandemic has mutilated the Western world into a medical police state. When lockdown happened, the Rubicon had been crossed, and now there is no turning back.
The Coronavirus Act 2020 rests in the epicentre of a spider’s web, with the cultural and informational environment dangling on its periphery. The Government’s and Media’s ‘Operation Terror’ appears to have created a pandemic of its own, that of Covid Anxiety Syndrome, where large swathes of the population appeared to have been traumatised into submission and view contracting Covid as a death sentence.
Pro-lockdown dogma from the legacy media, and politically motivated news feeds and algorithms from the Silicon Valley cartel, has purposely fanned the flames of societal hysteria, and when fear grips the human mind, it is difficult to expel its poison, and rational thinking melts away into fanaticism. People become willing to do and support anything that they think will ensure their own safety, and this mindset is what gives tyranny its breath.
With a disease, everyone is a potential carrier therefore everyone is treated as a suspect; for the Government’s ‘look into their eyes’ guilt-trip operation, this was acutely apparent, as non-conformists were berated as having blood on their hands. Not wearing a mask means that granny will die, household mixing will clog a local ICU unit, and so on.
The Government isn’t just fighting a disease, its battling its own subjects for standing in the way. Every inch of our lives is to be micromanaged as if we were small children, and this risk-averse almost anti-death culture ensures that we are suffocated with bubble wrap. Just as millions were coerced into de-facto house arrest, they are to be cajoled into ‘accepting’ vaccination.
This project will not terminate at pesky youths galivanting in nightclubs; remember, everyone is a suspect, so everyone that has literally any place in society which involves interacting with another human will fall under an ever-increasing mandatory vaccination umbrella. Retail staff, hospitality workers, commuters – all may soon be a target. Not to mention that the groundwork has been set for future mandatory booster jabs.
One last thing I will touch upon is what the Prime Minister once promised to rip apart and spread on his cornflakes: that of personal I.D. cards. Completely reversing the social contract between state and citizen, a vaccine passport sets conditions on an individual’s liberty – that they must first prove themselves worthy of exercising their rights, meaning that they aren’t rights at all.
From three weeks to flatten the curve to ‘your papers, please’.