Why DCMS will not reform or abolish the Arts Council
It is a maintained paralysis that sustains the political system, which is why it cannot be exposed or disrupted.
Abolish the Arts Council?
“Abolish the Arts Council” is a statement of defiance against the status quo on behalf of artists who have nothing left to lose.
OPEC Decision: Crude Diplomacy
The outrage at the decision of OPEC members to act in their own long-term interests says much about the petulance, arrogance and infantile mindset of our own political and media elite.
No matter, they're only Russian
Thousands more will die as the West numbs itself with moral righteousness.
The latest BrittaniQ newsletter - BrittaniQ #15
‘For years there’s been a whiff of short-termism, more than a hint of a lack of focus, and an almost pathological preference for political expediency over strategic thinking.’ - BrittaniQ #15 on the Tories’ legacy
The rising number of murdered children
The stabbing or shooting of children is becoming more common in this country and the seriousness with which we contemplate the finality of the victims’ lives is declining.
We’ll need more than a good Budget to save us
Whereas we were once a country unified in spirit but divided in details of economic policy, we have become one largely apathetic towards economics and split increasingly in spirit.
A city foaming with blood
What exactly is to blame for this once peaceful melting pot of global identities boiling over into a tidal wave of trashing temples and street brawls?