Greeks healing rifts
Can an Ashmolean exhibition on ancient Crete restore my faith in museums?
PP-Vox’s Valencia takeover and Yolanda’s ruthlessness - Spanish 2023 election
Whenever Vox need to discriminate in favour of Spaniards against businesses or landlords, they bottle it.
The Devil in God’s own country: Yorkshire in the English imagination
Uncanny presentiment and rugged hope will forever vie in this imaginative conflict.
Some things never change
Until then, assume that everything you read on any topic of even the remotest contention is propaganda.
Beware of false profits: The strange growth of corporate activism
Previously endorsements lay at the margin of a message, an optional adjunct to the central product. Now they are fundamental.
Sanchez’s TV roadshow and the Spanish Strawberry Boycott- Spanish 2023 election
This election resembles much more a prelude to tragedy, rather than a confrontation of the reckoning Spain has to make with itself.
We are all trapped by the matrix of our own minds
You wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe.
PSOE’s ugly campaign, pacts and Sumaring up - Spanish 2023 election
Hang together or hang separately is the choice for the Spanish Left, and that really is no choice at all.