Leader of the Opposition Kier Starmer up next..

Starmer begins with a tribute to all involved in the distribution of COVID-19 vaccinations. Describing his visit to a vaccine hub in Newham as ‘uplifting’.

Starmer asks the PM about plans for a 24/7 vaccination centre.

PM thanks Starmer for his words an and confirms that plans are under way and 24/7 centres will open ‘as soon as they are ready’. Johnson admits a wish for greater supply, and points out the UK’s leading position in doses per capita.

Starmer responds with an appeal to volunteers from the public. He moves on to probing the PM for comments made before Christmas, highlighting a government U-turn on every promise made and an uptick in cases and fatalities.

Johnson replies, pointing out changing circumstances around the new variant of COVID-19 as justification, before detouring to praise the NHS, army, and vaccine program.

“This is the toughest of times, but we can see the way forward.”

Starmers third question, using SAGE advice to question the seriousness of the governments response.

“How does the Prime Minster justify delaying for 17 days after he got that advice?”

Johnson counters that he implemented new restrictions within hours of being made aware of the new variant, and that said restrictions are showing signs of working.

S D Wickett

Bournbrook’s Digital Editor.

