Posted 1.50pm UK Time

Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, a now-retired specialist in microbiology from Germany, has been interviewed by Triggernometry on COVID-19. In this, Professor Bhakdi is absolutely scathing on the responses to the virus of governments worldwide.

Topics range from PCR testing, masks, fatality rates, eminent scientists who oppose many restrictions, immune responses and vaccines. The distinguished microbiologist, who has strings of awards and has studied and worked in first-rate institutions, dismisses the exaggeration surrounding COVID-19 and rebukes those advocating disproportionate, damaging measures that have been enacted in response to the coronavirus.

His ending note, wherein he asks us all to question how or why these responses to COVID-19 came about, really is poignant.

The interview is available to watch here:

Professor Bhakdi also has recently co-authored a book called Corona, False Alarm? which can be purchased in many countries.



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