British medicines regulator considers limiting rollout of AstraZeneca vaccine

Posted 7.45 am UK time

When the Prime Minister received his first dose of the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine, he said: ‘The Oxford jab is safe… The thing that isn’t safe is catching Covid, which is why it is so important that we all get our jabs as soon as our turn comes.’ It turns out that that might not be true.

The UK’s health regulator, the MHRA, is being urged to restrict the AZ vaccine for younger people because of the risk of blood clotting.

Channel 4 News reports:

The UK [medicines] regulator, the MHRA, and the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation are urgently scrutinising whether younger people – particularly women – could be at greater risk of getting a potentially fatal blood clot after the AstraZeneca jab than they are of dying from Covid. In either case, though, the risk is very small.

Surely this would already be known if – as we’re told – the jab had been properly tested.

I report on this news for Lockdown Sceptics here.

Michael Curzon

Michael Curzon is the Editor of Bournbrook Magazine. He is also Assistant Editor of The Conservative Woman.

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