Brits crave a tougher stance by the Government on law on order

Posted at 3 pm UK time

A recent poll suggests that 48 per cent of Brits support the reintroduction of the death penalty, with only 28 per cent in opposition.

I'm not always a fan of opinion polls but I do sense there is some truth in this.

My take away from this is as follows:

  1. Whether the public is generally in favour of the death penalty or not, it *does* crave a tough stance on law and order

  2. People are confused and upset by societal breakdown

  3. People want a sense of authority on the streets – a visible presence of someone on the side of the law abiding

  4. Often, people are afraid of what they see in their neighbourhood – gangs, drugs, violent crime. They feel the police spend too much of their time on other matters

  5. I get a sense that many are particularly alarmed by the rise in violent crime. Life is seemingly cheap and for some, their community is a no-go area, particularly at night. People simply dare not to do the things that they used to do years ago

  6. People know that violent crime has descended out of control because the authorities are indifferent to ‘low level’ crime (graffiti, drug taking, car crime, vandalism, theft, burglary). It is often this low level stuff, however, that has the greatest impact on individuals.

Richard Thomas

Richard Thomas is a member of the Social Democratic Party.

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