And now Keir Starmer:

Starmer opens with praise for the vaccine rollout. Asks the PM if the government will extend business relief into April.

Johnson confirms, after giving slightly more grandiose praise for the rollout. Asks Starmer to wait for the budget. Starmer jumps on the last answer: “they need an answer now”.

He follows up by asking about continuation of furlough. Johnson avoids the question completely.

Starmer reminds the PM that he ‘can make decisions for himself’, before citing business leaders who are struggling without adequate support. “Why does the PM think he knows better than British business?”

Johnson replies that there is “no government around the world doing more for business”, before attacking the Labour manifesto for wanting to ‘destroy capitalism’ and asking Starmer to retract proposed policies against pharmaceuticals.

Starmer replies that his side would ‘rather listen to business’, asks the PM to extend the evictions ban. Johnson reiterates that the government will “put their arms around the British people”. Johnson asks Starmer to back the government. Starmer replies with snipes at Johnson’s journalism career, and his relations with Trump and Cummings. Starmer changes track to borders, pointing out rifts within government and other countries with tougher restrictions.

Johnson responds by mentioning the hotel quarantine scheme and justifiable reasons for entering the country. Starmer accuses the PM of “failing to give security”, before suggesting business support and border tightening. Johnson accuses Starmer of ‘bandwagoning’, and Labour of crisis profiteering.

S D Wickett

Bournbrook’s Digital Editor.
