Posted 5:49pm UK time

The divisions in Number 10 between the professional Vote Leave faction, the more populist wing committed to tearing out Blairism, and the usual Conservative Party establishment have been brewing again, so much so that Dominic Cummings seems to have been forced out by Carrie Symonds and those around her. The liberal wishy-washy class of the Tory Party will see this as an immediate victory- with Dominic goes the strategy that won the party a 2019 landslide win (that was not, contrary to popular belief, guaranteed). It is back to the tried and tested for the Conservative Party, a party that may fail to recognise just what a threat Starmer’s Labour is to them.

It’s clear that if they don’t deliver and change their messaging, the Prime Minister is in for some major political blows and this time he doesn’t have his right-hand man to guard him.

William Parker

William Parker is a Bournbrook Columnist.



Cummings gone — who will lead ‘Boris’ now?