Cummings drops a tactical nuke on Number 10

Posted at 6.30 pm UK time

Number 10, terrified following Dominic Cummings’s statement to a Parliamentary Select Committee that the Department of Health was a ‘smoking ruin’ after just two months of pandemic, was bound to try to clip his wings. Who knows what Cummings might reveal next time?

Sadly for them, but happily for us, the Government is run by mentally indolent, panicky nincompoops who are pathologically incapable of fast forwarding the tape to see what might happen when they press play. Thus, they attacked Cummings in a way guaranteed to backfire. And boy has it backfired!

Cummings has not only denied he was the ‘Chatty Rat’ leaker, but has made two damaging allegations. First, that the Prime Minster tried to quash his own leak inquiry because it had fingered one of his fiancé’s best friends. Second, that his ‘plans to have donors secretly pay for the renovation [of the Number 10 flat] were unethical, foolish, possibly illegal’.

And just as a final flourish, Cummings demanded an under-oath, full-access parliamentary inquiry into the Government’s handling of the pandemic.

Cummings responded to an ill-considered shot across his bows by dropping a tactical nuke on the Government’s position. Another jolly wheeze gone well for the PM, then.

A D M Collingwood

A D M Collingwood is the writer and Editor of BritanniQ, a free, weekly newsletter by Bournbrook Magazine which curates essays, polemics, podcasts, books, biographies and quietly patriotic beauty, and sends the best directly to the inboxes of intelligent Britons.


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