Ian Blackford, SNP MP:

Opens with the news over a million children under 5 live in poverty. “This should make the government utterly ashamed”. Asks the PM to ‘finally act’.

Johnson replies that the house should be proud of the increase to Universal Credit (followed by another swipe at Labour), praises the winter grant scheme and repeats the ‘arms around the nation’ comment. A new slogan perhaps?

Blackford calls the PM’s response ‘pathetic’, before quoting stories from those affected. Accuses the PM of not caring before citing a report on cuts and requesting a meeting with Johnson.

Johnson ‘rejects entirely’ Blackford’s comments. Blackford looks furious. Johnson ‘bitterly laments’ the poverty being experienced, before calling the SNP a ‘left wing party’, and that their ideas rely on the taxpayer. The speaker jumps in after a few more jabs are thrown toward the Scottish Nationalists.

S D Wickett

Bournbrook’s Digital Editor.

