Foreign tourists welcome – but Brits can’t holiday abroad

Posted 1.45pm UK time

Border Force staff have pointed out that, while rules on travelling abroad have recently been made tougher by the Government, thousands of foreign tourists are arriving in Britain every day (hundreds of these are doing so on tourist visas issued by the Home Office).

The Times reports that ‘one visa was granted to a tourist from Peru who said on their application form that the reason for their trip to the UK was to ‘visit Big Ben’.’

Painful hypocrisy for those in Britain who are currently unable to visit their family and friends abroad. And, of course, for those who just want (and deserve) a holiday!

Still, as so often, it’s hard not to laugh…

I have reported on this for Lockdown Sceptics here.

Michael Curzon

Michael Curzon is the Editor of Bournbrook Magazine. He is also Assistant Editor of The Conservative Woman.

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