Further threats to holidays abroad this summer

Posted at 10.40 am UK time

There are now 40 countries on the Government’s travel ‘red list’. Only a handful are likely to feature on the ‘green list’ when (if) overseas travel returns on May 17th. Even travellers to these countries will have to fork out for hefty testing costs.

But new reports suggest that none of this could matter anyway, since the Foreign Office could refuse to sanction travel to ‘green’ and ‘amber’ countries given that its advice is provided independently of the Government’s ‘traffic light’ system.

Since disregarding Foreign Office advice invalidates most travel insurance policies, travel operators would most likely not run holidays to these countries.

Just as people started to believe we were returning to a state of normality…

I report on this for Lockdown Sceptics here.

Michael Curzon

Michael Curzon is the Editor of Bournbrook Magazine. He is also Assistant Editor of The Conservative Woman.


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