Johnson fails the morality test, miserably

Posted at 9.45 am UK time

An excerpt from my article in The Conservative Woman today, titled ‘Johnson fails the morality test, miserably’:

Following the most recent gossip about Johnson’s ‘love’ life, a number of Right-wing columnists have written that the PM’s philandering ‘doesn’t really make a difference’ (Rod Liddle in the Sunday Times), that virtue doesn’t matter in such a position, and that Johnson ‘looks positively saintly’ compared with some of our past PMs anyway (Dominic Sandbrook, UnHerd).

Even if other commentators took the opposite view, I doubt if the papers would have published them.

Read the full piece here.

Michael Curzon

Michael Curzon is the Editor of Bournbrook Magazine. He is also Assistant Editor of The Conservative Woman.

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