Our new religion

Posted at 2pm UK time

‘When health matters to you, it matters to us.’ A new billboard located in the Adelaide CBD.


It turns out we live in a much more Christian world than most appear to think…

Am I the only person who’s sickened by these public sanctifications of healthcare? Portraying nurses and doctors as Saints and Angels is embarrassing:

‘When a man stops believing in God, he doesn't then believe in nothing, he believes anything’ – G K Chesterton.

That’s not to say that healthcare workers don’t play a very important and noble role in our society – of course they do. But raising them to a plane above others, and therefore above criticism, is silly, infantile, and dangerous.

Edit: A reader and subscriber has kindly got in touch to point out that the above image is false. The reality, he says, is much worse!

Thomas McKenna

Thomas McKenna is a Bournbrook columnist.


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