Leader of the Opposition, Keir Starmer. Joining from home due to self isolation:

Joins the PM in his remarks on Holocaust memorial day, pledges to ‘light a candle’.

Probes the PM on the 100,000 Coronavirus deaths in the UK. ‘Why?’ asks Starmer.

PM: “I mourn every death”. Government takes full responsibility. Admits that lessons must be learned. Boasts again on the vaccine rollout.

Starmer: Reiterates the question ‘why?’, demands an answer from the PM before quoting the Chief Scientific Officer to slam the government for complacency.

PM: “There are no easy answers. Perpetual lockdown is no answer.” Pledges to do ‘everything we can’ to give the public what they ‘want and deserve’. Says the government is ‘on target’.

Starmer: Accuses the PM of avoiding the initial question. “Vital lessons won’t be learned.”

Starmer demands that all travellers into the UK be tested and quarantined.

PM: Accuses the Opposition of flip-flopping to undermine the government. Announces further action from the Home Office. calls for Parliament to ‘come together’ to ‘get this thing done’.

Johnson shaking his head in frustration while Starmer speaks. Starmer turns to school reopening. Asks the PM to commit to opening schools up once the most vulnerable have been vaccinated, by vaccinating all teachers and staff during the February half term.

“Of course”, Johnson’s opening response. “We all want open schools.”

Starmer: Claims he is none the wiser as to wether Johnson agrees with him or not, given his convoluted response.

Starmer shifts to home learning, pointing out the lack of access to education for 1/3 of British families.

PM: “I do fully understand.” Talks about government funding into the area. Doesn’t provide a clear comment on reopening schools just yet. Asks Starmer to ‘defy his union paymasters’ and say that schools are safe.

Starmer: Accuses the PM of dodging questions in favour of pre-prepared lines. Returns to the death toll and economic issues. Asks the PM what he would like Starmer to say to the victims of Coronavirus.

PM: “I deeply, personally, regret the loss of life.” Wishes to ‘honour the memory’ by working together and beating the virus, before accusing Starmer of point-scoring during the crisis. PM ends strongly, attacking Starmer while earning vocal cheers from his benches.

S D Wickett

Bournbrook’s Digital Editor.

