Opposition Leader Keir Starmer:

Starmer opens with comments on the Sarah Everard murder, asks the PM if this is a ‘turning point’.

Johnson agrees, cites the ‘wholly justified’ response, and calls for ‘cultural and social change’. An oddly wholesome exchange between the two thus far.

Starmer raises the point of legal protections around harassment and stalking, asks the PM to commit to taking said measures forward.

Johnson says he is happy to look at new proposals, cites existing sanctions and the new policing bill (which Labour voted against). Starmer says he will ‘come to that later’. He then pivots to sexual violence and assault, lamenting the lack of support for victims. Asks the PM to commit to a ‘victims law’.

Johnson again says he is happy to look at new proposals, pledges a further £100m. ‘I don’t pretend that this is the solution, it’s part of the solution’. It seems the two are buddies this week.

Starmer says the next challenge is to further prosecutions for sex crimes. Asks the PM what he is going to do now.

Johnson rambles about courts, investments, and halfway releases from prison. Starmer reminds Johnson that he was a Crown Prosecutor, giving three examples of lax sentences for sexual predators, asking the PM to toughen sentences. Johnson again goes after Labour for voting against the policing bill.

Starmer addresses the bill, lamenting the clauses around vandalism of statues before resuming the courteous nature of the discussion. Starmer requests a meeting to discuss further measures. Johnson refutes critique of the bill, before ignoring the meeting request.

The speaker draws an end to a once-in-a-blue-moon interaction between the PM and the Labour leader.

S D Wickett

Bournbrook’s Digital Editor.

