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Richard Thomas Richard Thomas

Posted 10am UK time

Sack Priti Patel for all I care. She's no tougher on crime, criminals or immigration than if Coco the Clown was in charge.

Her problem is that she's particularly good at talking the talk, but pretty rubbish at walking the walk.

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Bournbrook Magazine Bournbrook Magazine

Posted 5.25pm UK time

Is there anything the ‘Conservatives’ won’t leave alone or destroy? Apparently not.

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Posted 2.20pm UK time

‘The surge in Channel migrants could have been prevented if the Home Office had taken tougher action earlier, claimed the chief inspector of borders.’ So reports The Daily Telegraph today.

It’s almost as if the ‘Conservative’ Party doesn’t really care about defending our borders, and just says it does to win elections…

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