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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Posted 1.25pm UK time

As S. D. Wickett’s great coverage of today’s PMQs (below) demonstrates, yet another week has gone by with no real opposition from the Labour Party.

Starmer merely demanded to know why *stricter* lockdown restrictions were not implemented even *earlier*.

For some real opposition, read Jonathan Sumption’s powerful article in The Daily Telegraph today below:

It is not the police’s job to enforce the lockdown whims of ministers.

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Michael Psaras Michael Psaras

Posted 9:50am UK Time

Journalist Peter Hitchens and now Lockdown Skeptics are both advocating for large numbers of the population to write to their MPs briefly but acerbicly to remind them of the damage they are giving approval to by supporting government restrictions. This can be done easily through WriteToThem. It may not seem like much, but if enough people can show their MPs that their seats are not safe, perhaps it will make these otherwise supine people change tack.

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