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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Posted 1.25pm UK time

As S. D. Wickett’s great coverage of today’s PMQs (below) demonstrates, yet another week has gone by with no real opposition from the Labour Party.

Starmer merely demanded to know why *stricter* lockdown restrictions were not implemented even *earlier*.

For some real opposition, read Jonathan Sumption’s powerful article in The Daily Telegraph today below:

It is not the police’s job to enforce the lockdown whims of ministers.

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Posted 9.10am UK time

‘Destroy the jobs of others, and we will give you an even better paid job! That seems fair…

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James Black James Black

Mentally ill man arrested at Speaker’s Corner for violating social distancing laws

Posted 4.40pm UK time

A mentally ill man has just been arrested at Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park for violating social distancing laws as police dispersed crowds. 

One bystander said that twenty-eight ordinary street police officers pounced on the man. Another bystander said that he was ‘just having a drink with his bird.’

‘He was just sitting down having a coffee and when police came up to him he told them “get away from me” and “I’m a schizophrenic, f*** off!” and it was at that point that the police all jumped on them, I counted 28 of them.’

The arrest came as police descended on Speaker’s Corner around 4pm to disperse crowds and form a perimeter around the area. The cafe that was dispensing takeaway coffee was closed down as many people were standing around talking and socialising. The police said that too many people were failing to observe social distancing. 

After the cafe was closed, a crowd immediately started forming at a nearby shelter, where twenty-eight police officers pinned the mentally ill man to the ground and carried him off. 

The crowd followed the officers carrying the man shouting ‘shame on you’ and ‘freedom.’

A few minutes later, vans of Territorial Police descended on the gateway opening out onto Park Lane to help dispense crowds. What appeared to be tear gas or a flare was related onto the crowd. Police dressed in riot helmets pushed back the crowd. 

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Posted 9pm UK time

The much-repeated promise to give Brits ‘control’ of their futures earned ‘Boris’ his spot in Number Ten. In return, he has locked us in our homes, and prevented us — with the threat of fines — even from cuddling our loved ones. Now he’s started spewing a load of guff about the environment… Right now, who cares?

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