'The left simply makes up its positions as it goes along

Posted at 4.25pm UK time

The position of many of our self-appointed intellectual elite – who, by the way, said that Brexiteers were thick – seems to be that a 16 year old is wise and cognitively developed enough to vote, but a 20 year old is not ready to make an informed decision on whether to smoke a cigarette.

Meanwhile, we should tighten the laws related to smoking tobacco, but should significantly loosen the laws related to smoking marijuana. They’re just making it up as they go along, aren’t they?

A D M Collingwood

A D M Collingwood is the writer and Editor of BritanniQ, a free, weekly newsletter by Bournbrook Magazine which curates essays, polemics, podcasts, books, biographies and quietly patriotic beauty, and sends the best directly to the inboxes of intelligent Britons.


Face masks should continue forever, says Sage scientist


No problem, kick them out