Keir Starmer, Leader of the Opposition:

Starmer opens with a direct question over who is more deserving of a pay-rise; nurses or Dominic Cummings. They’re really going to hammer this one home today.

Johnson refers to his earlier answer, before stressing that starting salaries in the NHS have increased, as well as the total number of nurses.

Starmer comes back with data on NHS pay since the 2010 coalition government. He then returns to the original question, dropping some figures before asking ‘how on Earth does he justify that?’

Johnson repeats his initial point. He’s in a hole here.

Starmer refers to 40,000 nursing vacancies and 7,000 doctors vacancies. ‘How on Earth does he think a pay-cut is going to solve that?’ Starmer is going for the jugular. He the goes after the PM’s personal spending.

Johnson replies with more boasts about government spending, increased numbers. Starmer uses his family connections to the NHS to go after the PM’s authenticity, claiming that he clapped genuinely for carers and Johnson didn’t. Starmer has him on the ropes.

Johnson repeats the same old data, Starmer looks exacerbated. He then stammers through something about the rollout.

Starmer urges the PM to listen to his own party, using the words of his own MPs against him. Johnson goes back to the same data. He keeps on digging.

A few more quips back and forth but its exchange over, Starmer the clear winner.

S D Wickett

Bournbrook’s Digital Editor.
