We must stop thinking of foreign policy in moral terms

Posted at 3pm UK time

We imagine that the US supports Taiwan because it is a democracy threatened by a more powerful neighbour run by an expansionist dictatorship. Wrong. The US supports Taiwan because it is the key to the US strategic position in the Western Pacific. Lose Taiwan, and the South China Sea really becomes a Chinese lake. China can much more easily project naval power toward the Second Island Chain, blockading China becomes harder, and Japan becomes difficult to defend. CCP China is unpleasant, but we must stop thinking of foreign policy in moral terms.

A D M Collingwood

A D M Collingwood is the writer and Editor of BritanniQ, a free, weekly newsletter by Bournbrook Magazine which curates essays, polemics, podcasts, books, biographies and quietly patriotic beauty, and sends the best directly to the inboxes of intelligent Britons.


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