Keir Starmer, Leader of the Opposition:

Starmer opens with comments on the PM’s reopening plan, before lambasting ‘misinformation’ in Coronavirus data. Asks the PM to denounce said ‘misinformation’.

Johnson outlines the four-step plan without addressing Starmer’s comments directly.

Starmer immediately accuses Johnson of dodging the question, before suggesting the PM ‘has a word’ with his cabinet. He moves on to self-isolation, before raising Labour’s £500 self-isolation payment. “Will the Prime Minister just fix this?”

Johnson retorts that a £500 payment is already in place. Starmer reiterates that 30% of people avoid self-isolation and that people are scared of testing themselves for COVID-19 due to the economic risks.

Johnson comes back with numerous examples of multi-billion-pound support schemes, “we will continue to act in that way.”

Starmer goes after Matt Hancock’s contract scandal, before turning to next weeks budget. Asks the PM to agree that now is not the time for tax rises on families.

Johnson reminds Starmer of the budget release date, before attacking the Labour manifesto plan to raise taxes. “That is the way Labour behave.”

Starmer comes back with increases in council tax, lambasts the predicament before challenging Johnson to denounce the move.

Johnson replies that the top 10 highest council taxes are in Labour areas as jeers go up around the room, before referencing his own tax cuts as Mayor of London.

Starmer attacks the government for taking money away from local authorities, before going after Johnson’s various errors as Mayor, as well as the Conservatives over the last decade. His question then turns into an ad for Starmer’s alternative budget.

Johnson refers to Starmer’s budget as ‘paltry’, and that the governments budget will do ‘far more.’ He then likens Starmer to a ‘rolling stone’. He closes off on good form, rousing the Tory benches.

S D Wickett

Bournbrook’s Digital Editor.
