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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Neil O’Brien, Tory MP..

Asks the PM about the risks of new Coronavirus strains on vaccine efficacy.

Johnson praises the question, says we are confident that new variations of the vaccine can be prepared for new variants of Coronavirus.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Claire Hanna, SDLP MP

Asks PM about the Northern Irish border issues. Accuses the PM of not ‘being straight’ with the people of Northern Ireland

Johnson denies the accusation, says that the process is ‘going smoothly’.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Alexander Stafford, Tory MP

Opens with comments about crime and antisocial behaviour, asks the PM to endorse a bettering of police presence in his constituency.

PM: ‘I hope that a solution can be found’, while boasting that the Tory government will put more police officers on the street, including South Yorkshire.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Nicola Richards, Tory MP

Opens with an acknowledgment of Holocaust Memorial Day, asks the PM to thank the Holocaust Educational Trust for their work around the anniversary, including a live webcast.

PM: “I am very happy to join, and encourage all schoolls…to tune into the event.”

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Prime Minister: ‘I remain a champion of liberty in all its aspects’; all except in practise.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Ed Davey, Lib Dem MP..

Asks the PM about an independent inquiry into the governments response to COVID-19.

Johnson claims now is not the time, as resources are being spent on fighting the pandemic.

Back to Ian Blackford..

Asks the PM to acknowledge the genocide of Uighur’s in China.

PM replies that the accusation of genocide is a judicial matter, claims that what it happening in China is ‘utterly abhorrent’. Asks Blackford what SNP foreign policy with China would entail.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Nicola Richards, Tory MP:

Some technical issues…

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Now, Ian Blackford, SNP MP..

Opens with comments on Joe Biden’s inauguration, questions Johnson’s relationship with Trump. “Will the Prime Minster begin by reversing cuts to international aid.”

Johnson defends his relationship with the Trump administration. Boasts about Britain’s various international successes as justification. Blackford’s phone-in disconnects.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Up next, Tory MP Rob Butler

Refers to the vaccine rollout as a ‘tremendous success story’. Asks the PM to assure residents of Aylesbury that they will be vaccinated.

Johnson confirms that the government is ‘on track to deliver their pledge'. And to vaccinate everyone in the top four cohorts by February.

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Nothing firm said by the Prime Minister on the China-trade front, despite the U.S.’s formal finding that China has ‘committed genocide against Uighurs’. Given that we produce almost nothing in this country, is there really anything that we can do?

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Continuous glitches with call-in questions — what a farce.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Up steps Kier Starmer…

Opens with praise for the incoming Biden presidency and the vaccine rollout.

Starmer probes the government error that led to thousands of criminal records being lost. “How many criminal investigations could have been damaged by this mistake?”

Johnson answering sheepishly. “We’ll assess the damage.” Believes the incident, while ‘complex’ can be rectified.

“That’s not an answer to my question.” replies Starmer. Asks a follow-up, “how many convicted criminals have had their records deleted?”

Johnson says “we don’t know”, while slapping the dispatch box.

Starmer withdraws a letter from the National Police Chiefs Council, which claims that over 400,000 records were lost, in addition to over 20,000 DNA records. “It’s about criminals not getting caught, and victims not getting justice.”

Johnson accuses Starmer of failing to listen to his answer. Repeats “we are trying to retrieve the data”.

Starmer reverses the accusation. A few laughs and jeers from Tory benches.

“How long would it take for all the missing records to be reinstated?”

Johnson avoids directly answering, insists the governmennt is working ‘around the clock’.

Starmer asks the PM why he didn’t close the UK border at the onset of the pandemic.

Johnson refers to Starmer as ‘captain hindsight’.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

First up: Alec Shelbrooke, Conservative MP.

Asks PM to confirm free school meals continuation.

“I can confirm that eligible children will continue to receive free school meals over the February half term.

“It is the intention of this government that no child should go hungry this winter due to this pandemic.”

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

No sign of the Prime Minister yet…

Five minutes after the session is supposed to begin, there is still no sign of the PM.

Okay, here he is.

Johnson opens proceedings with a message of congratulations towards soon-to-be inaugurated president Joe Biden.

“I look forward to working with him and his new administration”.

Johnson even drops a ‘build back better’.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Posted at 11:59

Hello, and welcome to the Bournbrook Live coverage of PMQ’s. I’m S.D. Wickett, and I’ll be taking you through todays events.

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Posted at 17:55

The Daily Mail has echoed the Government's claim that 'the national lockdown in England is working' as 'infection numbers are starting to come under control'.

But, as I wrote here two days ago, 'infection numbers peaked in the worst-hit regions at the start of the year, before the third lockdown began.

'Likewise, Covid hospital admissions have just begun to fall in England; far too soon to be attributed to our latest term of house arrest.'

Without substantive scrutiny of the Government by the media or opposition, terrible things are happening to this country.

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Posted 1.25pm UK time

As S. D. Wickett’s great coverage of today’s PMQs (below) demonstrates, yet another week has gone by with no real opposition from the Labour Party.

Starmer merely demanded to know why *stricter* lockdown restrictions were not implemented even *earlier*.

For some real opposition, read Jonathan Sumption’s powerful article in The Daily Telegraph today below:

It is not the police’s job to enforce the lockdown whims of ministers.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

That’s all for Prime Ministers Questions this week. Thank you for tuning in.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Julian Sturdy, Tory MP:

Asks PM if lifting restrcitons is a national priority.

PM confirms that a target for vaccinations by the governments review next month.

DUP MP Sir Simon Donaldson:

Asks PM about Internal Market Bill and goods shortages in NI.

PM praises the easy flowing of goods, points out ‘teething’ problems, and confirms that Article 62 would be invoked if need be.

Tory MP Ruth Edwards:

Congratulates PM on EU trade deal, asks about the role of ‘free-ports’ in post-Brexit Britain.

PM ‘delighted’ at the prospect and announces further statements in the spring.

Lib Dem MP Daisy Cooper:

Praises GP’s and vaccine centres. Asks the PM about making sure vaccine services have a consistent supply.

PM joins Cooper in her praise. Points out greater supply in the UK, and that the government to ‘ramp up’ supply.

Mark Prichard, Conservative MP:

Asks the PM on defence initiatives.

PM highlights military spending increases, withdraws further comment.

Catherine West, Labour MP:

Probes the PM on proposed cuts to Universal Credit

PM putting Universal Credit under ‘constant review’, counters with by accusing Labour of wanting to abolish Universal Credit.

Andrew Percy, Tory MP:

Asks PM about government response to flood risks and reducing red tape in flood response.

PM praises the question, outlines £2.6bn in upgrading flood defences over the next six years.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

SNP Commons Leader Ian Blackford up now:

Uses the case of a fisherman suffering under EU red tape to question to cost of Brexit to Scottish business.

PM replies with a jab at SNP policy on Europe. Accuses the SNP of putting the Coronavirus response behind rejoining the EU.

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