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A D M Collingwood A D M Collingwood

What will it take for us to get down to level one?

Posted at 2pm.

Posted at 2pm UK time

Given that there have been about four people reportedly die of Covid in the last week, one must wonder what degree of sterility the country must reach to move to alert level one.

The head butler putting on white gloves and running his fingers under the windowsill to check for dust, perhaps?

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William Parker William Parker

The UK’s Covid alert level should have been lowered weeks ago

Posted at 1.55pm.

Posted at 1.55pm UK time

The UK’s four Chief Medical Officers have agreed that the Covid alert level should be lowered from level four to level three. This suggests that the ‘epidemic is in general circulation’ and that there should be a ‘gradual relaxing of restrictions and social distancing measures’.

This should have been done weeks ago – the delay was totally nonsensical.

When rates were higher than they are now they had us at alert level three. Now they have only just managed to bring us down to the same level when the virus has been decreasing rapidly.

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A D M Collingwood A D M Collingwood

The knives are out for Starmer at The Guardian

Posted at 2.25pm.

Posted at 1.25pm UK time

The Guardian is now publishing unflattering pictures of Sir Kier Starmer.

Screenshot 2021-05-10 at 13.18.52.png

This might seem insignificant, but leading with a photo that shows a double chin and generally makes him look puffy around the face is probably a sign that the knives are out for the Labour leader.

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Oscar Holdway López Oscar Holdway López

Labour in name only

Posted at 11.50am.

Posted at 11.50am UK time

Following Labour’s defeat at the local elections, Diane Abbott has called for the party to embrace free movement.

I do wonder sometimes what planet these morons are on.

How can you honestly call yourself a LABOUR party – with the aim of helping the working class – when you want to flood the labour market and lower their wages?

Not to mention what mass migration does to communities.

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Government to ‘allow’ us to hug again

Posted at 10.55am.

Posted at 10.55am UK time

The Prime Minister will declare today that friends and relatives can – from next Monday – hug for the first time in a year. He is not likely to question why the Government was ever allowed to tell people they weren’t ‘permitted’ to cuddle others in the first place. Nor will he ask why the media still rarely raises this question and, instead, heralds Boris’ kind allowance as a ‘return to freedom’.

Read this and more in my Daily News Digest for The Conservative Woman here.

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Covid deaths continue to fall – so why do we continue to lock down?

Posted at 4.45pm.

Posted at 4.45pm UK time

Just two Covid deaths reported in the last 24 hours. Why do we allow this madness to continue?

I report on this for Lockdown Sceptics here.

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Bournbrook Magazine Bournbrook Magazine

James Bembridge on Our Current Predicament

Posted at 3.50pm.

Posted at 3.50pm UK time

Listen to the latest episode of Our Current Predicament on YouTube here.

S D Wickett talks to James Bembridge from Country Squire. They discuss city and country life, conservatism, mediocrity in art, gay politics, the new left, corporate journalism and more.

The episode is also available on Also available on Spotify and on RSS.

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Most young people will take Covid vaccines – so what IS the point of vaccine passports?

Posted at 12pm.

Posted at 12pm UK time

In March, Government insiders said that vaccine passports could be used to ‘nudge’ young people into taking Covid vaccines. But a new survey of almost 17,000 Brits suggests that almost all young people will take the vaccine anyway – and that acceptance rates barely change across different age groups. So what IS the point of introducing domestic passes?

I report on this for Lockdown Sceptics here.

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Ben Harris-Quinney Ben Harris-Quinney

The Labour Party is out of touch

Posted at 10am.

Posted at 10am UK time

ALL Westminster politicians would do well to listen to Khalid Mahmood’s message after he resigned from the Labour front bench.

Whether left or right, the vast vast majority of people care about their livelihoods, their community, and their patriotic nationhood.

NOT the woke gender and green politics of an out of touch metropolitan elite.

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Boris Johnson eyes a decade in power

Posted at 8.10am.

Posted at 8.10am UK time

Read my Weekend News Review for The Conservative Woman here.

This week I lead on the rather terrifying headline published by The Times on Saturday: ‘Boris Johnson eyes decade in power.’ It seems the lockdowns have changed nothing (in an electoral sense, that is).

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

The first victim of lockdown?

Posted at 10.20am.

Posted at 10.20am UK time

Was a CrossCountry passenger train the first U.K. victim of lockdown?

Read my report on the somewhat amusing (since nobody was injured) collision of a passenger train into a derailed freight vehicle for Lockdown Sceptics here.

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Thomas McKenna Thomas McKenna

The harm principle

Posted at 1.30pm.

Posted at 1.30pm UK time

Liberalism is by far the most elitist political ideology. Its adherents assume that the entire population subscribes to their superior and enlightened worldview, which is why it creates the perfect conditions for cancel culture: the unenlightened brutes who don’t hold progressive views deserve to be cast aside from the public conversation.

This leads to an inadvertent sneering at the working class.

Liberalism is also more likely to cede authority to the technocrats who were moulded in its Universities (see liberals’ childish adoration of Doctor Fauci).

The era in which liberalism is the default moral position must end. It is far from harmless. Its endgame is far more elitist and tyrannical than most people care to admit.

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Richard Thomas Richard Thomas

Once upon a time…

Posted at 11am.

Posted at 11am UK time

Once upon a time, you were a racist if you were deliberately prejudiced against people with different skin colour.

Now, you're racist if you happen to disagree with self appointed anti-racists.

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Thomas McKenna Thomas McKenna

Media companies must be held to account for their treatment of free speech

Posted at 10am.

Posted at 10am UK time

Donald Trump’s long-term ban from major social media sites continues as Facebook’s Oversight Board has decided to uphold his ban from both Instagram and Facebook.

The US Democrats have called for the former president to be banned permanently.

This development feeds into the ongoing debate surrounding the tension between freedom of speech and the freedom of private companies to conduct business on their terms.

Companies holding this level of power are yet to be held to account over this issue, and it is high time that something happened...

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Companies turn to ‘hybrid working’ after lockdown

Posted at 7.35am.

Posted at 7.35am UK time

Read my Daily News Digest for The Conservative Woman here.

I lead today with the topic of companies turning to ‘hybrid working’ post lockdowns – an example of the establishment using Covid to their advantage, and forcing through change they’ve been gunning for for years. The latest companies to announce that their staff will have to work from home (for at least some of the time) are Google and the accounting firm KPMG. The damage caused by this isn’t just reflected in the lack of socialisation, but also productivity, which companies say dropped during lockdown when staff worked from home.

We discussed this trend a little while back on the Week in Review, here.

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A D M Collingwood A D M Collingwood

Diplomatie de la Russie

Posted at 2pm.

Posted at 2pm UK time

In 2006, Russia cut off its natural gas supply to Ukraine due to a dispute about gas prices and payments – and, no doubt, informed by geostrategic matters.

Russia was condemned for this action by the West, including by the European Union and its member states. This morning, The Daily Telegraph reports that France has threatened to cut off electricity supplies to Jersey if the UK does not give French boats the fishing access to Jersey waters France wants.

At least when Vladimir Putin sought to bend Ukraine to his will through threats to remove one of the cornerstone resources of modern civilisation, he did so on a related matter – the price of gas. There is no such connection to France's threat.

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Brilant Krasniqi Brilant Krasniqi

It takes two to tango

Posted at 1 pm UK time

The identitarian left accuse the right of ‘starting culture wars’. But they conveniently forget that it takes two to tango and they are just as responsible for these culture wars. They need to understand that there is a reaction for every action.

It's absolutely right to state that culture wars are terrible and bring out the worst in people, but the majority have nothing to apologise for. A loud vocal minority is fomenting the culture war for their own political gain.

Culture warriors from both the left and the right have a symbiotic relationship. They need each other. It's how they sustain their platform and grift.

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Terrible figures on Britain’s mental health

Posted at 12.15pm.

Posted at 12.15pm UK time

New data from the Office for National Statistics provides an insight into the extent of the damage done to the nation’s mental health by a year of lockdowns. Most notably, the percentage of British adults who experienced some form of depression in the first months of 2021 was more than double that recorded before the first lockdown began.

I report on this for Lockdown Sceptics here.

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A D M Collingwood A D M Collingwood

The crying shame

Posted at 10 am.

A court has acquitted two former British soldiers of murdering Joe McCann, an IRA leader, in Northern Ireland in 1972. In fact, the judge said he found it ‘remarkable’ that they had been prosecuted at all, given the evidence. What is remarkable about the prosecution, and scores like it, is not so much the evidence, but that they are allowed at all.

Clearly, British servicemen must be held accountable for their actions. We cannot allow ill-discipline to turn them into a vengeful, savage murderers like, for instance, the IRA. However, the instant Tony Blair and his cronies gave numerous IRA figures get-out-of-jail-free cards, the British Armed Forces should have been afforded the same protections.

It is unacceptable for only one side’s alleged crimes to be investigated. Either they both are, or neither are.

Would it not be simpler, and more conducive to the continuing peace, if some kind of statute of limitations were quietly introduced?

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