Damned lies and statistics: China records four Covid deaths in two years

There are lies, damned lies, and statistics. In the modern era, even in an epoch where The Science™ reigns supreme, this statement has, rather unironically, never been more factually correct. While the UK frets about Christmas parties and birthday cakes (oblivious to the fact that the double standards conclusively prove that our political overlords were lying about the severity and lethality of the Wuhan Flu), and the wider world still sticks its head in a sand-dune of hysteria and emergency, no attention has been afforded to the land where this whole farce began.

The People’s Republic of China has recorded only four Covid deaths since April 2020, taking its ‘official’ total to 4,636 deaths. Even that finalised figure is suspiciously low, given how countries with hundreds of millions of fewer people have documented far higher death tolls (even if they have inflated the figures through overestimating hospital admissions or confusing lead poisoning with Covid). They don’t even attempt to publish a more believable figure or elaborate upon why their death graph has flatlined faster than a patient who’s died during surgery.

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s ongoing zero-Covid policy is so ruthless that, once an outbreak is detected, residents are locked inside their own homes and barred from venturing outside in search of food, which has pushed many Chinese citizens to the brink of starvation. I’m sure malnutrition is risking more than four lives.

Of course the 4,636 number is a lie, and only the upper echelons of the Chinese Communist Party will ever know the truth unless any of them turn rogue. So why do I bring this to your attention? Because at a time when the lab leak theory is becoming more credible and legitimised by the month, we can’t seem to be able to put two-and-two together. China’s secrecy and iron-fisted grip on information is nothing new, but the key question still remains: what else are they trying to hide?



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