Posted 2.45am UK time

I had predicted a 289 - 249 victory for Biden with the democrat challenger taking Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania whilst Trump held onto Iowa, Ohio, Georgia, Florida and North Carolina. I placed a bet on Sky Bet of Biden becoming president, Trump receiving a popular vote of 45-50 per cent and an electoral college score of 200-250.

It’s looking like it could be a good pay day but Trump is outperforming the polls as always! It seems key aspects of this election have been the black vote not turning out in high numbers and Biden’s promise to move away from gas and oil extraction going down like a lead balloon in the rust belt states. If Biden does hold on, he has a hell of a job on his hands. Polls suggest that 45 per cent of people voting Democrat are voting against Trump as opposed to for Biden!

Julien Yvon

Julien Yvon is a member of the Social Democratic Party.

First flip of the evening


Will it come to a coin toss?