The folly of proportional representation

PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION (PR) is an electoral system that has been gaining more support in recent years. It’s long been advocated by smaller parties, the Liberal Democrats especially, but also the Green Party and now Nigel Farage’s Reform Party. There are also a few campaigns pushing for its adoption. One is called Get PR Done and another is Make Votes Matter.

The arguments made for PR are almost always based in the language of fairness. “PR is far fairer because it makes every vote count,” we’re told by the video on Get PR Done’s website, and “How does it feel not to be heard?”, we’re asked by the video on Make Votes Matter’s website.

I agree, it can be frustrating feeling like one’s vote doesn’t count. It’s equally frustrating feeling unheard, like my wishes are ignored in Parliament. But the problem with PR is that although it may feel nice being

The rest of this article features in our August 2024 print issue, available to subscribers.


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